Dr. Edward L. Hayes
While at Jefferson High School, Ed was a member of the Future
Teachers of America, Red and Black Revue, Tennis, Concert Band, Marching
Band, Dance Band, Dixieland Band, Orchestra, All-State Orchestra and
State Band Contest. He was also a member of the Lafayette Symphony
Orchestra, Lafayette City Band, Purdue University Orchestra and
Dixieland Band, and the American Legion Post #11. In the 8th
grade Ed became Solo Clarinetist of the Band and Orchestra. At the age
of 12 he became one of the youngest members of the American Federation
of Musicians’ Union in the United States.
At Indiana University, Ed was awarded the William Presser
Scholarship in 1954 and received the first Performer’s Certificate for
Clarinet Performance in 1957. This is the highest honor that can be
granted by the School of Music. Upon graduation in 1957 with a B.M.
degree in Woodwinds, Ed became the Assistant Concertmaster of the U.S.
Navy Band in Washington, D.C. He was also a member of the orchestra and
Assistant Director of the Navy Dance Band (“the Commodores”).
In 1967, Ed transferred to the U.S. Armed Forces School of Music as
the training officer in charge of the Woodwind Dept. He was also the
advanced instructor for the Army Warrant Officer’s Course and the Navy
CPO Course. In 1970, Ed accepted the Concertmaster’s position with the
U.S. Naval Academy Band. He was also the Lecturer of Music History for
the U.S. Naval Academy’s History Dept. During this period, he completed
his Master’s Degree in Music in 1970 and his Doctor’s Degree in Music in
1973 from Catholic University, Washington, D.C.
Upon retiring from the Navy in 1976, Ed started his 30 year
professional civilian music career as a Master Woodwind Specialist on
all the woodwinds for the National Theatre and Kennedy Center in
Washington, DC, and the Morris Mechanic Theatre and Lyric Opera House in
Baltimore, MD. He also performed as Principal Clarinetist with the
National Gallery Orchestra in Washington & the Wolf Trap Orchestra
in VA and played many performances with the National Symphony
Orchestra. Ed’s teaching also included part-time Professor of Music at
Towson State University.
In 1991, Ed added a career in computers to his music career. He had
been performing special computer projects for the CIA, MIT and George
Mason University, when he found there was a need for these talents in
the U.S. Treasury. Specializing in Computer Security for IBM mainframe,
minicomputers and microcomputers, he was hired by the Internal Revenue
Service. In 1998, Ed accepted the position of Program Manager of
Computer Security and Physical Security for Criminal Investigation, IRS,
worldwide. He was responsible for the Certification & Auditing of
all major computer systems and the training and background
investigations of all personnel including Top Secret plus Secured
Compartmentalized Information. Ed has received numerous awards from the
IRS Commissioner, Chief of Information and the Director of Criminal
Investigation for being the Coordinator of the Combined Federal
Campaign, Coordinator of Certification for all major systems for Y2K
compliance, and for leading the IRS Computer Virus Team.
Harold Robert Harris
While at Jefferson High School Harold was in the Jeff Hi-Y, J-Club,
Cross Country, played on three semi-final basketball teams and three
undefeated North Central Conference baseball teams. He also played the
piano during his years at Jefferson.
Harold graduated from Purdue in 1956 with two masters: Governor’s
State University Urban Education and Masters of Administration. Harold
was in the U.S. Army from 1956 until 1958. In 1958, he joined the
Illinois National Guard, where he became a Second Lieutenant. He worked
for the Chicago Welfare Department as a caseworker prior to becoming a
teacher in 1960. He taught high school and elementary school
and coached championship teams in three sports, retiring after 38
years and 9 months from the Chicago Board of Education. Harold taught
high school drop-outs How To Survey. The course was competency
orientation, preparation for employment and education.
Harold led his own band, called the Harold Harris Trio, which
played at the Playboy Club for many years until Hugh Heffner moved to
California. The Trio was the opening act for Johnny Mathis and lead band
for Redd Foxx in Las Vegas. He played the Chicago Cotton Club – Bernie
Mac was master of ceremonies and Robert Kelly was the vocalist. He
recorded two albums entitled “Here’s Harold” and “Harold R. Harris at
the Playboy Club”. Harold has played at many voluntary musical events,
such as Boys Town, Red Cross, Urban League, NAACP and Rainbow Push.
Sandra Thomas Wales
While at Jefferson High School Sandra was a member of the
Commercial Club, Junior Sunshine Society, Senior Sunshine Society, Block
Section, Red & Black Revue and Senior Play.
Upon graduation Sandra attended Purdue University earning a BA
degree in Creative Writing/Journalism, then an MA in play writing from
West Virginia University, and a doctorate in education from West
Virginia University. She taught special education in West Virginia
then became a high school principal at Bruceton Jr/Sr High
School. Sandra retired from that position, but continues to teach
literature and creative writing at Western Kentucky University in
Bowling Green, Kentucky.
Sandra, under the pen name Haley Elizabeth Garwood, has published
four novels in her Warrior Queen Series and is currently working on two
more novels. She also is a professional blogger for the online version
of Armchair General Magazine and writes about women warriors and the little known female ferry pilots of WWII.
Sandra also does creative writing workshops at science
fiction/fantasy conferences and appears on panels usually to discuss
medieval military tactics – from a woman’s perspective. Her early career
was spent as a flight attendant for Purdue Aeronautics and Frontier
Sandra would most like to be remembered as an educator and an author for women’s fiction.
Dr. Robert A. Rapp
While Robert was at Jefferson High School he was a member of the
Latin Club (president one year), Jeff Hi-Y, Cross Country, Track,
Student Council (president his senior year), J-Club, Intramural Sports,
Red & Black Revue and Student Convo.
He was 7th in his class of 267 in 1952,
Robert graduated with Honors in Metallurgical Engineering from
Purdue University in 1956. He received an MS in 1958 and PhD in 1960 in
Metallurgical Engineering at Carnegie Institute of Technology, now
Carnegie-Mellon. Following a Post-Doc Fulbright Scholarship year with
Carl Wagner at MPS for Physical Chemistry in Goettingen, Germany in
1959-60, he served as a First Lt. and Research Metallurgist at Wright
Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. In 1963, he started as an
Assistant Professor in the Department of Metallurgical Engineering at
Ohio State University where he eventually was named a Distinguished
University Professor (now Emeritus).
Over a span of forty-five years, Robert, has been involved in
research comprising several different topics, many involved with
corrosion and electrochemistry. At Ohio State University, Robert has
advised or co-advised 46 PhD student, 45 MS students, and 40 Post-Docs
and Visiting Researchers. He has published 265 journal articles and
courses, and authored 20 patents. He has been named a Fellow to four
US-based (ECS, ASM, TMS and NACE) and three foreign (French Soc. For
Materials, Japanese Institute for Metals and British Institute of
Corrosion (BIC) societies. He has received the ECS Linworth Teaching
Award, the ECS Olin Palladium Award, and the Outstanding Achievement
Award of the HTM Division. He served as Chairman of the ECS Corrosion
Division and an Associate Editor of the ECS Journal. He has received the
top awards for research achievement from TMS, ASM, BIC and the TMS
Educator Award. He received a Doctor Honoris Causa from Institute
Polytechnique of Toulouse in 1995, and was named a “Chavalier dans
L’ordre des Palmes academiques” in 1993.
Linda Silver Cohen
While at Jefferson High School Linda was involved in the Booster
Staff, Quill and Scroll, Girls Advisory Council, Senior play, Red and
Black Revue, Block Section, Spanish Club, Sunshine Society, Tri-Hi-Y,
Junior Varsity show and Forensics. After graduation in 1954 she attended
Indiana University, graduating in 1958 in Theatre. While at Indiana
University she was president of her dorm during her sophomore year;
chairman of the Association of Woman Students Judicial Board her senior
year; on the newspaper staff her freshman year; and was a member of the
Indiana University Foundation steering committee and an honorary member
of the Mortar Board honor society.
From 1958 until 2009 Linda has been involved in many
organizations. She was a founder and president of the Wabash Valley
Hospital Auxiliary. She was the first woman president of Temple Israel
(1974) and has been a board member of the Temple Israel Sisterhood
(president three times), Junior Women’s Club, Hanna Community Center,
Family Services Agency, YWCA Association, YWCA Foundation president,
Lafayette Community and Resource Center (Southside), National Board of
Women of Reform Judaism, Duncan Hall, and Planned Parenthood State
Linda was awarded the 2006 Win Hentschel Award (YWCA). She served
on the West Lafayette City Council from 2002 – 2004 and participated in
Vision 20/20 She was honored with the “Woman of Wisdom” Award presented
during the 2009 YWCA Salute to Women ceremony.