Charles Hamilton Ade, MD
After graduation from Indiana University with a BS, Dr. Ade pursued a
degree in medicine from Indiana University where he graduated cum
laude. He was a specialist in Ear, Nose and Throat surgery in Lafayette
from 1938-1979 and was the owner and builder of the Ade Medical Center.
C. H. Ade was a member of the Tippecanoe County Medical Society, the
Indiana State Medical Association, the American Medical Association, the
American Academy of Ears, Nose and Throat, Home Hospital Board of
Directors, and the State YMCA Board of Directors. He also actively
served on the boards of the Boy Scouts, Harrison Trails, Otterbein Home
(a church affiliated retirement home in Lebanon, Ohio), and as an
officer and board member at Grace United Methodist Church. He was a
member of the Kiwanis Club, the Masonic Organization including the
Scottish Rite. He was recognized for his many contributions by receiving
the Silver Beaver (Boy Scouts), Friend-in-Deed (Noon Optimists), Golden
Deed (Lafayette Exchange Club), Kiwanis Legion of Honor, and the YMCA
Service plaque. He also was a life member of the Indiana University
Alumni Association.
Pedro P. Granadillo
After graduation from Purdue University in 1970, Pedro joined Eli
Lilly and Company, as a staff engineer. In 1971 he transferred to the
international facilities planning organization and became a project
engineer for Lilly Indiana de España, S.A., a Lilly affiliate in Spain,
and in 1974 was named engineering manager. The following year he became
project manager, responsible for building a new chemical facility in
southern Spain, and was then named production director.
In 1980, Pedro was transferred to the London Branch of Lilly
International as director of European production coordination. He became
director of manufacturing operations for Eli Lilly and Company Limited,
a Lilly affiliate in Basingstoke, England. In 1985, in addition to his
responsibilities in Basingstoke, he assumed responsibilities for the
Elizabeth Arden, Inc. (a former Lilly subsidiary), manufacturing
operations for the United Kingdom and the coordination of Lilly
production operations in Europe.
Pedro Granadillo returned to company headquarters in Indianapolis in
1986 when he was named director of materials planning. He became
director of manufacturing strategy development in 1987 and was named
executive director of production operations and manufacturing strategy
development in 1989.
He is a former member of the dean's advisory council of the Krannert
School of Management at Purdue University. Currently, he is a member of
the boards of directors of the International School of Indiana, Park
Tudor School, and Conner Prairie.
Richard V. Ebershoff
After graduation from Purdue University with a degree in Mechanical
Engineering, Richard V. Ebershoff joined his father at Lafayette Tent
and Awning. The company specialized in commercial and residential
awnings, and supplies tents to various functions in over thirty states.
They were one of the suppliers of tents for the 1996 Olympics in
Atlanta. They put together tents in various sizes from 12' X 12' to 100'
X over 400'. Dick has been active in many organizations including the
Lafayette Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Business Center, a Life member
of the Elks, original member of the Purdue Downtown Gridiron Club,
served as President of IIK (Regional Association of Canvas
Manufacturers), and the John Purdue Club. He is an honorary member of
the Reamers, the Gimlet Club and the P Men. He and President Hovde were
the first two recipients of the coveted Diamond P presented by the John
Purdue Club. He was honored at a banquet in 1969 by Purdue University
and the Lafayette community for his dedication and service. His business
adventure and devotion to sports was instrumental in his being on of
the founders of the Indiana Pacers.
Dick has been instrumental in providing summer jobs for hundreds of
young people, while they were students at Purdue University and local
high schools. There are now four generations of Ebershoffs working at
Lafayette Tent and Awning to carry on the work ethics and pride
instilled by Dick.
John B. Wellman
After graduation from Purdue University with BS and MS degrees in
Physics, and an ME in Engineering Management from UCLA, John Wellman has
played a leading role in the development of scientific instruments for
NASA's missions, dating back to the successful Viking orbiters and
landers that explored Mars in 1976. He has led the development of
science experiments for both planetary exploration and earth remote
sensing, including imaging systems and infrared insturmentation on the
current Galileo mission to Jupiter and the forthcoming Cassini mission
to Saturn and its moon Titan. He is the author of more than thirty
technical papers on scientific instrumentation development.
John managed the development of the Mars Pathfinder science payload,
including a solid-state stereoscopic camera with multispectral
capability which returned approximately 20,000 images of the Martian
surface and atmosphere, an alpha proton X-ray spectrometer for analysis
of the elemental composition of Mars' soil and rocks, and meteorology
experiment that monitors the local weather at the landing site. The
rover explored the vicinity of the lander and analyzed the elementary
composition of numerous soil and rock samples for about ninety days. He
coordinated the efforts of more than one hundred scientists and
engineers from institutions spanning the globe as they analyzed the
mission data, planned scientific observations with Pathfinder's
instruments and conducted the operations of the rover, Sojourner, on the
planet's surface. The Mars Pathfinder experiment team included
researchers from a number of US universities and institutions as well as
foreign participants from Germany, Denmark and Russia.
Edward Elliott
After graduation from Purdue University, Edward Elliott became a test
engineer for General Electric. He devised unique methods and procedures
for testing refrigeration equipment. As an engineer for Pressed Steel
Tank Company in West Allis, Wisconsin, he established times and
temperatures for proper heat treatment for pressure vessels to comply
with ASME Codes and ICC regulations and became Chief of the Inspection
Department. He also served as a Field Engineer for military products
such as torpedo noses and afterbodies, sea mines, and oxygen cylinders.
While working for Westvaco Chemical Company, he developed and produced a
special nickel drum for shipping and storing liquid bromide, which
received an Industrial Packaging Product of the Year award. During World
War II, Ed was assigned to the 21st Air Force in the Marianas to make
preparations for using new 12,000 and 24,000 pound bombs at the same
Tinian airbase used by the Enola Gay for the atomic bomb missions. After
serving in World War II, Ed returned to Pressed Steel Tank Company,
where he served as manager of the PST Cleveland office. He often piloted
an airplane for customer calls and for Purdue recruiting. In the late
1950's Ed joined the staff at Liquid Carbonie Corporation, which was the
leading carbon dioxide producer in the United States. During the early
1960's while living in Lake Forest, Illinois, Ed joined the Haywood
Publishing Company, which had its headquarters in Chicago and two
printing plants in Lafayette. He became the publisher of Industrial
Publishing and Consumer Packaging. And then in the mid 60's, Ed decided
to start a new company, Omnibus, Inc., and served as President and sole
Edward Elliott was instrumental in establishing the Purdue Alumni
Club and served as its President. He has been active in the John Purdue
Club and the President's Council since inception. He has been inducted
into the Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame.
Brent W. Miller, MD
After graduation, where he was the salutatorian, Dr. Miller received his
Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Microbiology from Stanford
University, Palo Alto, California in 1986 and his Doctor of Medicine
degree from Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis,
Missouri in 1990. He subsequently completed training in internal
medicine at Barnes Hospital at Washington University and a postdoctoral
fellowship in nephrology at Washington University. Effective July 1,
1998, he will join the faculty of the Renal Division in the Department
of Internal Medicine at Washington University where his responsibilities
will include teaching, patient care and research.
Brent has participated in extensive scientific research at Stanford
University and Washington University. His work is published in the
American Journal of Physiology, Transplantation, the American Journal of
Kidney Diseases, Clinical Transplantation, the Journal of the American
Society of Nephrology and the Journal of Clinical Investigation. As an
undergraduate at Stanford, he received first prize in the Molecular
Biology and Genetics Section at the West Coast Biological Sciences
Undergraduate Research Conference in 1986. Brent was the recipient of
the Alexander Berg Award in Microbiology and Immunology from the
Washington University School of Medicine in 1990. As a postdoctoral
fellow, he was awarded a Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Award
from the National Institute of Health in 1998. Brent is a member of the
American College of Physicians, the American Society of Nephrology, and
the American Society of Transplant Physicians.
Joseph T. Bumbleburg
After graduation from the University of Notre Dame (BA, 1958), Joseph
Bumbleburg entered the Indiana University School of Law (JD, 1961). He
entered the military in 1961 for three years active duty and then
returned to practice law in Lafayette. Joe specializes in land use,
development and local administrative law as the Senior Partner in Ball,
Eggleston, Bumbleburg, McBride, Walkey and Stapleton, PC, Attorneys at
Law. He is a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army
Reserve. He has served as Past President of the United Way of Greater
Lafayette, the Community Foundation and the Greater Lafayette Chamber of
Commerce, Past National Governor of the American Red Cross and the
recipient of the Harriman Award of Distinguished Volunteer Service from
the American National Red Cross. Joe has been a member and Secretary of
the Tippecanoe County Sheriff's Merit Commission, a Deputy Election
Board Member of Tippecanoe County, a member of the Department of Indiana
American Legion Baseball Committee and has been appointed a member of
the Supreme Court of Indiana Character and Fitness Committee and a State
Trustee of Ivy Tech State College.
Richard W. Wien
After graduation from Purdue University with a B.S. in Chemistry and
Stanford University with a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry, Richard W. Wien
was a Sr. Research Chemist in the Color Photography Division and was a
project leader for high speed video films. For his endeavors he received
an Emmy in 1978. In 1978 he became a senior engineer in Motion Picture
Development and was a key member of a team that received a technical
OSCAR for Eastman color Motion Picture Films. From 1981-88 he has been
the Project Leader in Color Negative Development as the designer of
Vericolor III Professional film. This film remains as the industry
standard and has had sales in excess of $1 billion. In 1988 he became
the Product Quality Director of the Professional Photography Division
and was responsible for the manufacturing quality and customer
specifications of professional sensitized products (approximately $1.5
billion in sales). From 1994-95, Richard served as the Manager of the
Color Reversal Systems Kodak Research and was responsible for fifty
engineers and scientists developing new color reversal films and
processes. Since 1995, he has been at the Eastman Kodak System Concepts
Center and responsible for the identification and development of growth
opportunities in Commercial and Business markets. He is instrumental in
originating three concepts, which when commercialized, will generate
over $200 million in incremental revenue. He formed a Research and
Development Business Unit team that developed the process for
identifying and managing the growth initiatives.
He is a member of the American Chemical Society, Greece Baptist
Church, Purdue Club of Rochester, Pittsford Central School Board,
National Tour Speaker for American Chemical Society and American
Institute of Chemical Engineers. His professional awards include the
American Chemical Society, Hero of Chemistry; Public Service Medal,
NASA-Johnson Space Center; Technical Emmy for development of High Speed
Video News Film; and a member of the team that received a technical