Jill Friesen

Photo of Jill Friesen

Email (preferred): [email protected]      

Phone:  765-772-4700 x 2766 

Click here to access Canvas.

About me:

This year I am all at Jeff, teaching French II and IV. I taught 5 years of French, World Languages, and a little Spanish in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, as well as some online French of assorted levels. I received my undergrad degrees from Miami University (of Ohio) in French Education, Linguistics, and French and I finished my Master’s in Education last year from Walden University. My husband is in a PH.d program at Purdue doing immunology. We have 2 little boys: Owen is 4, and Edison is 1 year old, and a dog named Chapstick.

I studied abroad twice in undergrad in both Dijon, France, and the country of Luxembourg, travelling around Europe frequently on weekends and breaks. I’ve also made it to Chihuahua, Mexico and Québec, Canada for shorter excursions. I love to travel, but haven’t done as much of it lately with young children at home.

My mission as a teacher is to make learning fun. Through a variety of games and activities I aim to love each student and inspire them to be lovers of language, creative, open-minded, and global thinkers, effective communicators, and responsible for their own learning. Seeing your enthusiasm and cooperation in the classroom fuels me as a teacher and snowballs into the most positive classroom environment for all of us. 

I also appreciate continual feedback from my students and parents in the form of positive comments and constructive criticism. If I ask if you understand something, tell me the truth! Don’t just nod if you don’t get it! Likely someone else in the class is feeling the same way you are. If you don’t feel comfortable telling me in the middle of class, feel free to talk to me before or after class, in a note, or in an email! If the feedback is negative, please suggest ideas to improve.